Our main focus here today is gonna be on the solution to common relationship based problems. We are in a generation where everyone just dives into a relationship and end up doing something that he/she will regret later in life. I already talked about PART ONE of this  topic on one of my previous post. This one is meant to help & give everyone #6 solutions you'll love and is easily applicable to solving your relationship problems. I hope this helps.

IMPORTANT: Relationship Problems : How to Fix it

Relationships differ most times but there's always a common problem that most relationships face.
There's nothing too big. No matter what you're going through, don't just decide to take drastic steps. It may lead to an unexpected end. Just in case you were planning on doing so, hold on and read this article till the end.

Just in case you are not aware, please know that 99% of relationships today whether romantic or not, go through ups and downs. Don't look down on your relationship as a result of the misunderstanding you have now. It is your duty to fix it and build it back up so it can be an happy one just like the relationships you see between most people.

In order for me not to bore you with all the introduction and the rest, I am going to go straight to the point. Here are #6 solutions that you can use to tackle and resolve your relationship problems:

(1) The Need for Attention:
One major cause of problems in relationships if you've noticed is the ~need for attention~. This applies mostly to the ladies. Ladies in relationships today complain bitterly of the fact that their partners no longer give them attention or the attention they are given is not enough. Well, research has been done. And I have to say that they are right on one hand and on the other, you are wrong.

Before you continue, read this

Ladies in this category should remember that their partners have their individual lives and they probably have a schedule of their day. Don't forget that personal development is very important so the need for personal time is also required.
So I recommend that if the problem in your relationship falls into this category, then the solution is;

*For you and your partner to have a one-on-one talk about this issue.
*But if you both have problems communicating with each other, you can pay a visit to a couple's therapist to help resolve it.
*Point out things you'll like your partner to start doing and he/she will point out theirs.
*Try spending quality time each other.

(2) Pressure for Sex:
This is also one of the major problems that split relationships in half. The man (guy) feels the need for sexual intercourse but the lady doesn't totally feels the need for it.

Having sex in a relationship does not guarantee a healthy relationship. 

Feeling the urge is natural but it all depends on the willingness of your partner. Don't force your partner into something he/she is not comfortable. Good and healthy relationships are based on mutuality and trust. So if you can secure your relationship by having sex with your partner, then I am sorry to say that you are WRONG. If your relationship is not mutual and trust based, then you're on the wrong path.

But if both of you are okay with the idea of you having sex, then that's a different case. So feel free to discuss this with your partner at anytime.

(3) Interference and Meddling of Parents:
Some relationship problems we see today is based on this point. Parents of either sex meddles in the personal affairs of the couple.
For instance, if any of the parents from the guy's family interfere in any of the personal affair of the lady or monitor her every step, the lady will not respond positively to it rather she will react negatively thereby causing an issue in their relationship.

*Parents should try as much as possible to stay out of the personal life of either of the couple.

*Either team should restrict their parents from meddling into their personal lives.

(4) Intolerable to their Partners Vices:
Bad vices is not something to celebrate or be joyful about. Some people that go into a relationship today end up falling out so quick because they cannot tolerate the vices of their partner.
No one likes a partner who smokes or drinks or flirts too much or does other things that are regarded as bad vices in our social today.

Relationship problems that are caused by this point can be solved. 

Don't force your partner to change overnight because compelling him/her to change suddenly can result in other problems. So the best I can tell you to do now is to live with it. Change is only achievable when both parties agrees on something.

Try sitting your partner down and talking to them about those vices. You can't make someone quit something he or she is used to. So instead of compelling them, try coming to an agreement with them as this would help boost your relationship status.

Please do not take this solution I gave above as a mere joke, because this will help sky rocket your relationship into the next level.

(5) Money Issues:
Yes! This particular point has been known to be an issue in relationships for a long time. Most times, money quarrels occur rather sooner than later.

Always try your best to find out that issue related to the quarrel over money you both have every time. Is it on the way both of you spend money and how much you both earn back after all the spending. Think about the life you had before you dived into a relationship. Evaluate the changes in how much you spend and how much you earn between that time and now! 

Get a financial analyst who helps you both evaluate your goods and money and says what must go and what should stay. Do not try to be too indulgent in the financial affairs of your partner but also try to make sure he/she makes the right money decision.

(6) Do Things that Benefits Your Other Half:
Most relationship problems occurs as a result of either of the couple or those in an upcoming relationship trying to do things, activities or events that please only themselves. Volunteering to do activities or an event outside the relationship that you both enjoy can help massively to improve your relationship status. It also helps to keep the relationship fresh, smooth and interesting. You can also help to relieve anxiety, pressure, stress, depression. And least you know, when you help others, you feel happy.

Keep on doing things that interests both parties, then you will see that your relationship will be more interesting and happier as you do so.

Volunteer to help out your partner with any issue you know you can be of help. This skill greatly helps to improve the relationship as it exposes both individual to fresh and new ideas, new methods of tackling future problems together, etc. It also creates a fresh and better ground for the relationship. Both teams will learn new ways to communicate with each other.

Some of our might have been thinking. What if there's nothing that interests both of us as both are of different interests. Well, here is the solution;

*Pick any one of the activity or event your partner enjoys and fall in love with it. This solution might be hard at first but if you give it a try, I can assure you that it will help sky rocket our relationship into another phase.

I hope the points that I have provided a detailed explanation of above will help with your relationship. Don't dive into a relationship because you see others going into it. Find your soulmate  and enjoy the rest of your life with them.

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